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The Environment Council adopted a general approach on the revision of the EU ETS in June 2022. In addition, a new self-standing emissions trading system will be created for buildings, road transport and fuels for additional sectors. revision of the market stability reserve.increase of funding for the modernisation fund and the innovation fund.implementation of the global carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation (CORSIA) through the EU ETS.faster reduction of emissions allowances in the system and gradual phasing-out of free allowances for some sectors.extension to emissions from maritime transport.The Fit for 55 package aims to reform the EU ETS by making it more ambitious. Since its introduction in 2005, the EU's emissions have decreased by 41%. It is the EU's main tool in addressing emissions reductions. The EU emissions trading system (EU ETS) is a carbon market based on a system of cap-and-trade of emission allowances for energy-intensive industries and the power generation sector.

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Infographic - Fit for 55: reform of the EU emissions trading system See full infographic

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